Irken Empire Wiki
Image VIR

VIR is Vex's trusty and durable custom SIR unit. He contains every possible advancement in artificial intelligence while still remaining loyal, and is a walking multitool as well as an information retrieval unit.


VIR contains both a long range communication array and a signal jammer/ sonic emission device. These insure VIR and Vex's safe communication and allows VIR to emit sounds that will bring any being to the floor writhing in pain. A very effective weapon against some more sensitive creatures. If this sound is not powerful enough, he is equipped with a bioelectricity manipulator, which can can control and manipulate the electricity inside anything, including a living thing's brain. VIR can use that to make himself invsibile, control other creatures, and inflict the pain reflex on the creatures without even touching them. The Tallest don't like this tool because it can control them as well. Only trusted and high-ranked Irkens are allowed to install this into their SIR unit.

As well as sonic devices, VIR holds a multitude of tools, from an ARC welder to an insulated thermos. VIR is literally one of the most advanced toolboxes in existence.

VIR's heavy grasper arm also acts as a rapid fire plasma machine gun, variable flamethrower or welder, expandable sword blade, grappling hook launcher, liquid cannon, and changeable intensity light.

VIR's disguises

VIR's two disguises (one for Vortian resistance camps and one for cleaning up after Zim on Earth

Image disguised

) consist of a small Vortian refugee, and an Earth pig. When a report was filed by Invader Zim early in Operation Impending Doom Two, it was stated that pigs were common household pets. This error is the reason for VIR's odd disguise choice.
